Kisi-Kisi Ujian Praktek Bahasa Inggris SD

TAHUN AJARAN 2013/2014

1. READING ( Membaca )
     Bahan dan Rumusan Soal :
-        Membaca teks daily routine
Aspek yang dinilai dan bobot penilaian : Pengucapan ( Pronounciation )
*sangat baik     50   
*Baik               40
*Cukup baik     30
*Kurang baik    20
Skor maks        50

-          Teks bacaan

My daily routins

                 I always wake up at 5 am in the morning. After take a bath, i pray subuh. My mother is preparing our breakfast when i prepare everything for school. Than, i breakfast together with all part of my family. At 6 am i should be go to school. I go there by bike. My school attend in 6.30 sharp to 11.20 am everyday. I reach home in mid day. Time for isoma. They are take a nap, praying and lunch until 2 pm. In the afternoon, i always play with my friends until 5 pm. I get dinner at 6.30 pm. After doing homework and study, i go to bed for sleep. This is the end of my day.

A. Menjawab 5 pertanyaan berdasarkan teks daily routine.
     1. What time do you always get up in the morning ?
     2. How do you go to school ?
     3. How long do you get study at school ?     
    4. What time do you get your isoma ?  
    5. When your day will end ?
B. Aspek yang dinilai dan bobot penilaian : Kelancaran ( Fluency )
           Jumlah betul     Skor                
               1                      10
               2                      20          Nilai maks membaca              = 100
               3                      30          Pengucapan + Pemahaman     = ( 50 + 50 )
               4                      40
               5                      50
              Skor maks        50

2.  MENDENGAR ( Listening )
          Kalimat/ percakapan melalui CD/ dibacakan guru siswa dapat memahami kalimat/  percakapan dengan menemukan jawaban yang tepat pada lembar jawaban. 10 soal pilihan ganda. 
     Contoh soal : 
     Kalimat pada CD/ yang dibacakan guru :

            ”Its an animal. It has a big body, long nose and a big ears”.

      Lembar Jawaban :  a.rabbit           b. Zebra           c. elephant      d. ant

     Aspek yang dinilai dan bobot penilaian :
        Pemahaman ( comprehension ) : Nilai maks mendengar 10 soal x 10  =  100

3. BERBICARA ( Speaking )
    A. Siswa dapat memperkenalkan dirinya dengan mengungkapkan data pribadi
         Contoh :
Perkenalan Diri ( Introduction )

           Hello, My name is Ridwan Fadillah. I’m twelve years old. I live at Jalan Timbul Rt 012 Rw 01, Jagakarsa. I’m six grade in SDN Jagakarsa 08 Pagi. My hobby is fishing. Thank you.

         Bobot penilaian : Pengucapan ( Sangat baik 50, baik 40, cukup baik 30,kurang baik 20 )

   B. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru secara lisan dengan benar ( interview )
         Siswa dapat menjawab 5 pertanyaan guru secara lisan. Contoh  pertanyaan:
              1. How old are you ?
              2. Where do you live ?
              3. What is your favorite sport ?
              4. When is your birthday ?
              5. What is your hobby ?
        Aspek Penilaian: Fluency /kefasihan ( sangat fasih 50, fasih 40, cukup 30, kurang 20 )
        Nilai maksimum berbicara 100, pengucapan + kefasihan (50+50 )

4. MENULIS ( Writing )
           Disajikan format surat, siswa dapat menulis sebuah surat sederhana tentang pengalaman perjalanan wisata dengan kalimat yang tepat.
     Bobot Penilaian :
     - Ejaan/ spelling ( BS 50, B 40, C 30, K 20 ), Vocabulary/ kosakata ( idem )
     - Nilai maks (50), ejaan + kosakata ( 50+50)

                                                                                         Jakarta, April, 02nd 2014
                  Assalamu’alaikum Gadis,
                  How are you ? hope you always fine and happy always. Dear.. I want to tell you something. Last holiday..i was going a trip with my family. We were going to Puncak. Me and family so happy. Let’s me story..check it out !
                 That time was long weekend. We have 3 days off. My father was arranging us to go to Puncak and stay there in a bungalow. My mother prepared everything about clothes, food, etc.We were going there by car. How excited i am that time. I hv seen beautiful sceneries like mountain, tea trees, flowers and fresh air. The weather so nice that time. After 3 hours, we hv been arriving the bungalow. Wow..perfect ! it’s a great bungalow. There are so many flowers around it. It has 4 rooms in 2 floors. We are really take time for rest. I wish you were there also my friends. We made some fun activities at least 3 days. What a beautiful momment right..?
              Finally, we back to Jakarta with happy memories. I wish we can come there again with you Gadis. I never forget you. I hope in next will come here to see me. How much i miss you Gadis...Please reply this letter as soon as possible. I can't wait to hear your story too...
Best regard,

2 komentar:

  1. terdapat banyak kesalahan GRAMMAR teks tersebut diatas,sbb:

    My daily routins

    I always wake up at 5 am in the morning. After take a bath, i pray subuh. My mother is preparing our breakfast when i prepare everything for school. Than, i breakfast together with all part of my family. At 6 am i should be go to school. I go there by bike. My school attend in 6.30 sharp to 11.20 am everyday. I reach home in mid day. Time for isoma. They are take a nap, praying and lunch until 2 pm. In the afternoon, i always play with my friends until 5 pm. I get dinner at 6.30 pm. After doing homework and study, i go to bed for sleep. This is the end of my day.

    SEHARUSNYA,sbb: (dikoreksi dgn HURUF BESAR)

    My daily ROUTINE

    I always wake up at 5 am in the morning. After TAKING a bath, i pray subuh. My mother is preparing our breakfast when i prepare everything for school,
    THEN, i EAT MY breakfast together with all part of my family. At 6 am i SHOULD GO to school. I go there by bike. My school LESSON STARTS AT 6.30 sharp to 11.20 am everyday. I reach home in mid day. NOW,IT IS TIME FOR TAKING A REST. They are TAKING a nap, praying and HAVING lunch until 2 pm. In the afternoon, i always play with my friends until 5 pm. I get dinner at 6.30 pm. After doing homework and STUDYING, i go to bed for SLEEPING. This is the end of my DAILY ROUTINE.

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